young man and woman looking at something on a laptop together

有限公司urse Evaluations

e-LIS oversees the course evaluation programs for the following academic areas:

有限公司urse Evaluation Information for Faculty:
School of Engineering-Faculty
School of Nursing-Faculty
School of Business-Faculty
General Evaluations-Faculty(School of Health Sciences, School of Education and Human Services and College of Arts and Sciences)

有限公司urse Evaluation Information for Students:
School of Engineering-Student
School of Nursing-Student
School of Business-Student
General Evaluations-Student(School of Health Sciences, School of Education and Human Services and College of Arts and Sciences)

General Information on Course Evaluations

Header Sheet Order Form
Scantron Header Sheets for course evaluations can be ordered by logging into the e-LIS Portal and completing theScantron Eval Header Sheetform.

Evaluation Availability Windows
All systems except for the Scantron system require students to complete their evaluations online. These evaluations are generally available to students for the last two-three weeks of the course, excluding finals week. The exact window may be different from system to system and course to course, depending on the course length (shorter courses will have a shorter availability window).

Automated Reminders
Automated reminders are sent to students and faculty from each system (except for the Scantron system). Students will get a reminder (sent to their email addresses) at each of the following checkpoints:

  1. When the evaluation opens
  2. 中途评估阶段
  3. Two days before the evaluation closes

Students will only receive reminders for courses they haven't already completed evaluations for.

Faculty members will receive an email when the evaluation opens. This email has some information in it like where to direct students to complete their evals, the availability dates, and a link to the faculty side of the the system(s).

Improving Your Response Rate

The following strategies have all been employed by faculty who regularly receive a response rate of over 75%. While e-LIS does not advocate one strategy over another, we do recommend that youpersonally reach out to students, explain why course evaluations are important, and continually ask for their participation over several weeks. Do not solely rely on the automated emails, as these are often ignored by students.

  • Facultyreminded studentsto complete their evaluations over several class periods.
  • Faculty showed studentsa graphof how many students had completed their evals over time (several weeks).
  • Facultyexplained why completing course evals is important(they are used in faculty review and to improve courses and programs).
  • Facultyset aside timein the last class session for students to use laptops and other technology for filling out their evals.
  • Faculty made the evaluation part of afinal assignment in Moodle- no credit was given, but students did it anyway out of habit.
  • Faculty posted aprominent linkto the course eval site in their Moodle course.
  • The submission of the course evaluation was considered part of ageneral participation grade.
  • Extra credit pointswere given to students who completed the evaluations.
  • Extra credit pointswere given to the entire class when the total response rate crossed a specified percentage.
  • Extra credit pointswere given to the entire class if the total response rate reached 100%.
  • Other incentive(usually food) provided during the last class if a certain percentage of the class had responded by that date.

All course evaluation systems are anonymous, and no teacher ever has the ability to associate a specific set of responses to a specific student. Some systems, however, do allow the teacher to see thenamesof the students who have submitted evals, after a specific threshold has been crossed (usually, 5 students). This threshold exists to preserve student anonymity. While the teacher can see the student names, there is no way for the teacher to associate these to a specific set of responses, nor can they even see the responses until after final grades have been turned in. This functionality exists so that teachers who choose to use the extra credit incentive can see which students have completed the evaluation.
