Prepare For Orientation

Prepare for your start at OU. Review the before- and after-orientation areas to help guide you through the next several months.

Before Orientation Icon - Checklist#elseIcon for this category

Before Orientation

Get ready to attend New Student Orientation by reviewing topics such as course placement and testing, academic requirements and orientation program details.

After Orientation Icon - Circle with check mark#elseIcon for this category

After Orientation

Orientation isn’t the only step in your process to starting at OU. Other steps include things like submitting test scores and transcripts, paying your bill, purchasing textbooks and attending an August Campus Kickoff and New Student Welcome.

Before Orientation Icon - ChecklistBefore Orientation

Meet The Academic Advising Team

The academic advising team will be your go-to guide, helping answer any questions you have and getting you registered for your first-year courses. Together you will learn how to navigate campus life and learn how to make the most of your first year at OU.

Meet The FYAC Advising Team

Registering For Your First Year

One of the biggest tasks of orientation is registering for courses. Luckily, your assigned academic adviser has worked hard to prepare your schedule and is here to help you through the registration process on orientation day.

Your academic adviser is knowledgeable about all majors at OU and is committed to personalizing a schedule that meets your needs. Your adviser is happy to help make the registration process as easy as possible.

First Year Course Recommendations

Your academic adviser will prepare a list of courses based on your intended major, incoming credit, and placement. Typically, advisers suggest 12-17 credits (or 3-4 classes each semester) in consideration of financial aid, scholarship, and grant requirements. Talk with your adviser about the number of courses that may be best for you.

Course Placement And Testing

Placement in your first writing and math course is based on your submitted ACT, SAT, and/or AP/IB score(s). If you have not submitted a SAT/ACT score for admission, please review the course placement information to determine if you need to complete a placement process for writing and/or math. If so, these should be completed before your orientation.

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Language Requirement

Oakland University has a language requirement for all students as a part of the general education curriculum. Students who intend to satisfy the language requirement by taking a language they took in high school should take the language placement exam prior to orientation.

Although the language placement exam will not exempt students from the language requirement, it will indicate which course level they should register for during their first semester at OU. If you wish to study a new language, the placement exam is not necessary. The language placement exam is highly encouraged for anyone in the Honors College.

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Do You Have Incoming Credit (AP/IB/CLEP/College Credit)?

Help your academic adviser customize your course recommendations by mailing your official college/university transcripts to the Office of the Registrar, O'Dowd Hall, Rm 100, 586 Pioneer Dr, Rochester, MI 48309-4401. If you have AP or CLEP exam credit, you can log-in to the College Board website to request your scores be sent to OU. Use code 1497 to have your scores sent to us before orientation.

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Undecided Or Still Deciding On A Major?

It's ok to not have your major finalized right now, but it may be a good idea to reflect on your interests, values, personality, skills and leisure activities before orientation. Start your self-reflection today and explore your major and career options using our Focus2 OU online assessment.

Get Started With Focus2 OU

Student ID Card Information

The GrizzCard is the official picture identification card of Oakland University. Think of it as your passport to OU. Whether you are grabbing a bite to eat, checking out a library book, going to the Rec Center or cheering on the Golden Grizzlies, your GrizzCard makes it happen. Information about how to submit a digital photo online before your orientation will be sent to your official OU email account.

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After Orientation

定位后你应该开始联系your assigned adviser regularly. Don’t stress about orientation day being the only time to make the perfect schedule or get all your questions answered. Orientation is an ongoing process throughout the summer to help you feel comfortable starting at OU. Just know that we are here to help, so don't hesitate to reach out at any time.

After Orientation Icon - Circle with checkmarkAfter Orientation

Update Address, Phone Number, and Preferred Name

It's important to have up-to-date personal information to ensure the university can contact you as needed. Verify your address, phone number, and list your preferred first name. Update if necessary via MySAIL.

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Submit College Transcripts and/or AP,IB,CLEP Scores

Remember to submit your official college transcripts and/or AP, IB and CLEP scores. All transcripts and scores should be mailed to the Office of the Registrar, O'Dowd Hall, Rm 100, 586 Pioneer Dr, Rochester, MI 48309-4401.

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Connect with your high school to place a request for your final transcript to be sent to OU.

Check Financial Aid Status In MySAIL

Check your Award Overview on MySAIL to make sure your course enrollment matches the Expected Enrollment listed on MySAIL. Contact Student Financial Services if it does not match. Make sure all financial aid requirements are listed as "Satisfied."

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Sign-up For A Payment Plan

Enroll in an OU Payment Plan and spread tuition and on-campus housing charges into several smaller payments.

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Grant Third-Party Payer Access To Family Members

If someone is helping to fund your college education, make it easy by granting them access as an authorized user. Your family member or guardian can view account details and complete your payment electronically.

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Sign up for Emergency Notifications

c的通知ampus emergencies, university closures, or cancellation of classes

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Land An On-Campus Job

Getting an on-campus job is a great way to complement your academic experience by applying knowledge you learn in the classroom to the workplace and earning money for living expenses.

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Meet With Disability Support Services (If Applicable)

Schedule an appointment to discuss housing and academic accommodations

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Still Deciding On A Major?

If you are unsure of your major and career interests, it may be a good idea to first reflect on your interests, values, personality, skills and leisure activities. Start your self-reflection today and explore your major and career options using our Focus2 OU online assessment.

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Purchasing Your Textbooks

Visit the OU Barnes & Noble Bookstore to purchase your textbooks before the start of class. Have your class schedule handy to ensure you select the correct textbooks.

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